Wednesday, August 31, 2011

EID SPECIAL: Author Interview: Barbara Conelli

“A VERY HAPPY EID TO ALL MY MUSLIM READERS, FRIENDS AND FAMILY!” As we say it in Urdu when we greet each other, “Eid Mubarak!” J

Those who do not have much idea about this festival, let me tell that it comes after the month of Ramadan ends. It is celebrated with fervour all over the world by Muslims. In every house, “Sheer Khorma” (a very sweet dish made with vermicelli) is prepared along with typical non-veg dishes such as Biryani and yummy BBQs. 

On such occasions, I miss my family the most, who are back home in Lahore, Pakistan. Believe me, Skype is not good enough to taste all those delicious dishes made by my mom. So, I thought why not I celebrate it with my writer friend, Barbara as well as with my lovely readers. 

Meet my friend: chocolate lover, travel-junkie and techie, Barbara Conelli, who is also the author of an amazing travel book, “Chique Secrets of Dolce Vita”. Yes, I know you have read my review of her book but today we are in a chit-chat mood so join us in the fun! 

RG= Review Girl 
BC = Barbara Conelli

RG: “Chique Secrets of Dolce Vita” is a travel narrative, non-fiction book, a genre in which only a few people write (as far as my analysis goes, but correct me if I am wrong). Why did you choose to write in this genre?

BC: You're right, very few people, and very few women, write in this genre. But to me, it's the most natural form of self-expression. I love collecting stories when I travel, and I'm like a sponge that absorbs all kinds of information. Writing about what I know and sharing a piece of myself with readers is my passion and joy.

RG: Do you think that there is a huge market for these types of books apart from mass produced fiction?

BC: Probably not, but there's a very nice niche market of women who love travelling, or dream of travelling, and who enjoy discovering the world through another woman's eyes. It's wonderful to connect with my readers and see that they are like me in so many ways!

RG: After falling in love with your book, I have to ask if you are working on another book based on your travel experiences? Is it about Italy or another country?

BC: Komal, thank you so much! Yes, I'm working on another Chique book about Milan (this time, the secrets will be about "dolce amore"), and then Rome and other cities. Eventually, I will venture out of Italy as well. I will never stop writing, that's for sure.

RG: You divide your time flying between America and Italy. What are the things you love about America? Any experience you would like to share with my readers?

BC: I love New York, I love the big city buzz, the arts and the culture. As a writer, I appreciate the fact that to promote your book in the U.S. is extremely easy thanks to the widespread social media popularity and use, and also thanks to many online platforms where writers and readers can meet. Europe, and especially Italy, is much less "online" and more community based, more grounding, more intimate. I'm very lucky to get the best of both worlds.

RG: How much time did it take for you to complete this book? What was your routine for writing?

BC: A couple of months, especially because I'm an impulsive writer. I admire those writers who are able to write every day from six to nine and then go about their day. I'm very passionate about writing, but I do need breaks that allow my ideas and inspiration to "marinate". Also, I'm not one of those writers who complete and publish a book every six or seven weeks. My books are a big part of myself, and you can't really mass-produce your soul :) I prefer to enjoy the creative process and to be sure that my readers get something more than pages full of empty words.

RG: Very well-said! How do you balance your family life and your writing commitments?

BC: I'm very lucky because my family are my biggest fans. They understand I need time and space to write. When I say: "Look, I'm going to spend the day writing," they respect it. They know I get cranky when disturbed. My rule is: "Don't disturb me unless it's an emergency, and even in case of emergency please dial 911 first." :)

RG: *laughs* This can be a good “Don’t Disturb” sign, I should put this on my study-room door. *wink* Are you inspired by any particular author? Who is your favourite travel-writer?

BC: I love Simona Sparaco, an Italian author whose books unfortunately have not been translated into English yet. She has written two novels so far and her stories and writing style are extraordinary. I'd like to be able to write fiction like that. I also love Marian Keyes and her "Under the Duvet" and "Further Under the Duvet". Although these collections are not travel books per se, I love the way she describes her travel experiences in her essays. I also like Susan Van Allen who writes about Italy with lots of passion and heart.

RG: What would you say to aspiring non-fiction authors who are entering the market? What mistakes they should avoid, while approaching the publishers/agents?

BC: Be patient, be yourself and persevere. Trying to be everything to everybody and giving up too soon are two major mistakes authors make. And please, write. Writers write, aspiring writers aspire to write :)

RG: List 5 writing tips for those who want to venture into writing non-fiction.


1. Write from your heart, be authentic and write about what you know and love.

2. Write because you have something to share, not because you're after fame and money.

3. Remember your ideal reader is a version of you. Build connections and relationships.

4. Have a support system. Find people who will support you and encourage you to carry on writing when things get tough (and they will).

5. Have a vision. Even if your book does not become a bestseller, it will bring joy into the hearts of those who will read it. This is your legacy.

Time for some fun questions: 

RG: What is your favourite holiday destination? (besides Italy and America)

BC: Barcelona and London! I absolutely love their cosmopolitan vibe and the people. Although they have a different culture, they share a wonderful energy of freedom and expansion. They are friendly and make you feel welcome. I have many friends in both Barcelona and London, and I love going back.

RG: I have been to London and it made me feel like a whole country in itself. Fast, always on the move, it has its own lifestyle and culture. Maybe that is why Londoners can be spotted from a distance. *smiles* Tell me what is the craziest thing you have ever done while travelling?

BC: Getting off the bus in the middle of the Negev Desert in Israel (which means in the middle of nowhere), years ago when the local conflict was really very bad (tourists were strongly advised not to travel to Israel at all), and trekking for eight hours completely alone just because I wanted to enjoy, admire and photograph the unique, lush, spring desert nature. I met some guys with machine guns along the way who obviously thought I was either lost or completely nuts, and I had a tough time convincing them I really did not need to be transported to safety because I was pretty safe by myself, thank you very much. I do these things a lot, but please don't tell my mum *laughs* Travelling like that is not for the faint of heart, I agree, but I believe I'm safe, and I always am. I tend to trust my instincts. I have travelled a lot in the Middle East and Asia, all alone, and I've never had any problems at all.

RG: I must say you are a dare-devil. Not that I have not experienced adventure before, but I can definitely not roam around in the streets of Israel like this. Mainly because I am originally from Pakistan and they might as well shoot me before even considering my last plea. *laughs* Okay, what is the most unique dish you tasted while on travel? 

BC: Well, first of all, I don't eat bugs or larvae when I travel. I mean, I'm an adventurer, but I'm not that adventurous, if you know what I mean *winks* I had the best "Couscous Bidaui" (a bowl of couscous with a typical Bedouin vegetable sauce) in a Bedouin desert tent, and the best "Kao Pad Kaphrao Kung" (Thai fried rice with basil and prawns) at a Thai restaurant in the Australian outback. When you travel, you have to be ready for the unexpected. You never know what you encounter, and that's the beauty of travel.

RG: Now my mouth is watery with the mention of Thai food. I want some of those fried prawns *laughs* What 5 things you always carry with you while travelling?

BC: My camera with three different lenses. A digital voice recorder. A netbook. A bar of dark chocolate with almonds. And a signed copy of my book to give away to friendly strangers. As you can see, I'm a techie and chocoholic traveller :)
RG: Bar of dark chocolate, are you by any chance referring to Toblerone? Oh, that is one of my favourite bars! Any suggestions for travel-enthusiasts? 

BC: Be open-minded and don't judge. Be humble and willing to learn. Be respectful and think twice before you speak. Don't be afraid to talk to strangers. Never be scared of anything because fear is the worst travel companion, but use your common sense to stay safe. Instead of rushing around trying to see all the sights described in your guidebook, sit down, enjoy a cup of coffee, watch the buzz and breathe in the local atmosphere.

RG: Since it is Eid day, I have to ask: did you ever get a chance to celebrate Eid?

BC: I remember Eid celebrations when I lived in Morocco, it is a beautiful holiday and I was lucky to be invited to my friends' home so I got to experience it.

RG: Wow! That sounds awesome! Thank you for such a lovely interview. It was a pleasure having you on my blog. Wish you all the best for your book.

BC: Thank you so much for the opportunity to appear on your blog, Komal, and for your wonderful support and friendship!

RG: So folks, hope you enjoyed this “Eid Special” interview, stay tuned in for more exciting posts.

Coming soon: “Chique Secrets of Dolce Vita” Giveaway!!!

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