Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2's company, 3's a crowd...

So you know what they say about 3 kids? Well, it's the gosh darned truth! As I blog surf/stalk or whatever you want to call it, I see these cute moms posting all their many wonderful internet finds and projects...the thing is they usually have one, maybe two kids. My projects are usually done at around 11:00pm after everyone is in bed and the house is somewhat picked up.
I look fondly back on the days when I was a stylish mom of one. Just Max and I, my blond curly haired little boy in his stylish outfits that I took so much care to put on him. The picture above is one of those days, Max is around 18 months here.
Now I joke my kids look like orphans half the time. My philosophy with clothes is, if it fits and it is clean they are wearing it. I rarely find time to do Mimi's hair cute and if I do it is useless because she destroys it rough housing with Max before we even get in the car.

So I figure I am in survival. Yep, if I can make it out of this stage alive and kicking I will be extremely grateful!

Oh, and I have very helpful hands with Henry. Max and Mimi adore him and will happily entertain him most of the time while I try and get stuff done. One of many blessing. And yes, I want more kids....I am officially crazy!

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